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Erin Crowley Named President-elect of AOAC Int’l Board of Directors

In September, at the AOAC International Annual Meeting in Denver, Q Laboratories’ Chief Scientific Officer Erin Crowley was announced as President-elect of the AOAC International Board of Directors. She will complete one year as President-elect and then serve as President of the BOD for 12 months beginning with the 2020 AOAC Annual Meeting in Orlando. Erin is Chair of the AOAC

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Should You Use an Outside Lab? – 5 Factors to Consider

You pour your heart and soul into your products. You spend eight hours a day (who am I kidding, at least eight) assuring items are safe and of the highest quality. Except for your family, you spend more time caring for and nurturing your products than anything else in your life. How can you be

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Environmental Monitoring Can Reduce Healthcare-Associated Infections (HAI)

According to data compiled by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), approximately 1 in 31 (3.2%) of U.S. hospital patients contract a healthcare-associated infection (HAI).  This amounts to approximately 2 million nosocomial infections per year in the US, resulting in 90,000 deaths and incurring a cost of $28- $45 billion to hospitals, Medicare/Medicaid,

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Microbial Hazards of Seed for Sprouting

Due to concern over, “the continuing outbreaks of foodborne illness associated with the consumption of raw and lightly-cooked sprouts,” the FDA recently released a Draft Guidance entitled, “Reducing Microbial Food Safety Hazards in the Production of Seed for Sprouting Guidance for Industry.” After reviewing 50 outbreaks of foodborne illness associated with sprouts between 1996-2018, resulting

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FDA Provides Guidance on “Small Business” Designation

Stakeholders familiar with the Food and Drug Administration’s (FDA) Food Safety Modernization Act (FSMA) may have noted the Agency’s efforts to minimize the financial and time-consumption burdens placed on smaller regulated establishments who may not possess the vast resources of larger firms. Companies designated as “Small Businesses” are granted more time to reach compliance with

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Food Allergen Control Program

In 2004, responding to an increase in foodborne illnesses caused by allergens, the United States Congress passed the Food Allergen Labeling and Consumer Protection Act (FALCPA). Implemented in 2006, FALCPA established clear guidelines for labeling foods regarding the presence of allergens, providing consumers with more straightforward and accessible information to protect their families and themselves.

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Stability Testing for Pharmaceuticals

High Quality Testing Of Drug Substances & Drug Products Stability testing is utilized to determine if the quality of a drug substance or drug product is altered over time by various environmental factors, such as light, temperature, and humidity. A drug “substance,” often referred to as an Active Pharmaceutical Ingredient (API), is defined as the

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Q Laboratories Becomes First U.S. Lab with Food Virus Testing Accreditation

Q Laboratories is the first United States-based laboratory to include Norovirus and Hepatitis A testing in food, water and environmental samples listed on their ISO 17025 Scope of Accredited Methods. An A2LA Assessor was onsite at Q Laboratories on June 15 to evaluate the rapid, qualitative methods and facilities used to screen for the viruses.

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Q Laboratories’ Collaboration Recognized for Excellence

Q Laboratories served as the expert laboratory on two studies resulting in AOAC approval of methods recently named Methods of the Year by the AOAC International Official Methods Board.  The studies, commissioned by Bruker Corporation, demonstrated proficiency of AOAC Official Method 2017.09 Confirmation and Identification of Salmonella species, Cronobacter species, and Other Gram-Negative Organisms Bruker

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Q Laboratories Cuts Ribbon on New Building

On Thursday, May 17th, Cincinnati Mayor John Cranley and Hamilton County Commissioner Denise Driehaus were on hand to help cut the ribbon on Q Laboratories’ new 30,000 sq.ft., $10 Million laboratory building located on Knob Hill in East Price Hill on the Westside of Cincinnati. Q Laboratories’ COO David Goins has been with Q Laboratories

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