Microbiological Research and
Development Laboratory Services
Microbiological Research & Development Laboratory Services
- AOAC Official Methods of Analysis℠ (OMA)
- AOAC Performance Tested Methods Studies℠ (PTM)
- Method Development and Validation
- Inclusivity/Exclusivity Evaluations
- Method Transfer
- Method Verification
- Collaborative Study Coordination
- Matrix Extension Studies
- Product Specific Verifications
- Peer-Verified Methods Evaluation
- Proficiency Testing Programs
- Antimicrobial/Antibacterial Efficacy Studies (FDA and EPA GLP Compliance)
- Minimum Inhibitory Concentration (MIC) Evaluations
- Minimum Bactericidal Concentration (MBC) Evaluations
- Medical Device Evaluations – Verification of reprocessing instructions for cleaning and disinfecting of reusable medical devices.
- Time-Kill Studies